There is a fierceness and lion-like quality about Jesus Christ that we see throughout the gospels that help us understand who God is and what God feels passionate about. In Mark 11:12-22, we come to two incidents, where we see this fierceness, the cursing of a fig tree and the cleansing of the temple.
At first both things unrelated and a bit puzzling, but with a little digging and study, we see something about the heart of God and His desire for us to trust Him and become a people who walk by faith. It is by faith we approach God and it is by faith that His provision of Christ’s blood is applied to us that we may not come under the judgment of God but have salvation.
When we think about the judgment of God, we often frame within the sin and rebellion of man, and that is true. But, the reality is, God’s judgment upon Israel and all of mankind has more to do with man’s unbelief in who God is and His provision through Jesus. For the Bible tells us if we have faith in God and what He has done for us, then through Christ and His shed blood, we are forgiven and given a new lease on life.
So the judgment of God, while certainly related to man’s sin, has more to do with man’s unwillingness to accept what God has provided and man’s unbelief. And that is exactly what these two incidents of cursing a fig tree and cleansing the temple were all about. And that is why Christ when giving application in Mark 10:22-22, challenges us, “Have faith in God… do not doubt… but believe… and it will be done for you.”